Nathalie Deshairs


PRESS RELEASE: Nathalie Deshairs, Sep 12 - Oct 12, 2024


Nathalie Deshairs

September 12 – October 12, 2024

The exhibition at 530 West 24th Street is Nathalie Deshair’s New York solo debut and features more than 20 new works by the French painter 

September 12, 2024, New York, NY—Cavalier Gallery is delighted to announce a solo exhibition of new paintings and mixed media works by French artist Nathalie Deshairs, on view at our 530 W 24th Street gallery from September 12 through October 12, 2024. Nearly 30 works will be shown in this presentation—the artist's first solo exhibition in New York City—including the debut of 20 new paintings. Deshairs' work has been exhibited widely in France as well as in Berlin, Hong Kong, Singapore, London, Monaco, and Miami, among other international venues. The exhibition opens with an artist reception on Thursday, September 12, from 6:00 to 8:00 pm.

Deshairs' work inhabits an ethereal space between figuration and abstraction, evoking essence and spirit through contour and gesture. Her richly textured paintings convey an aura of classical femininity through both the subjects depicted and a soft, sensual application of media. The artist's visual repertoire includes motifs such as kimonos, lace, flowers, and angelic wings, familiar imagery that draws the viewer into the picture. Once engaged, viewers notice the nuance and mystery each work holds, getting lost in found imagery that seems to dance before one's eyes, akin to watching clouds go by. And in fact, this is the je ne sais quoi of Deshairs' work: a meditative experience through paintings that explore the lightness of being, the impermanence of the body, and the beauty of that which cannot be seen. 

The poetry and spirituality of Deshairs’ finished paintings belie the earthy physicality of their creation. The artist begins each work by building up a layered, heavily textured background, using various techniques including pouring, scraping, scratching, sanding, and the imprinting of objects, flora, fabrics. Only by first creating this fertile ground does the final form begin to emerge.

The artist says, “The world today is so difficult, that beauty and poetry are essential for me in trying to cope with violence and the unacceptable. The fragility of the human condition is the source of my reflection. In particular, the condition of women around the world affects me. My recent work on empty garments, dresses and kimonos can, like a metonymy, symbolize the beauty of pageantry, but also denounce the condition that sometimes stems from it. At first glance, my painting may seem light-hearted, but it’s not. The struggle is there, inside. Certain figures are ready to emerge, to defend themselves: warriors, samurai, fighters or wrestlers. Some of my titles are representative of this societal struggle. Painting is a struggle between who we are, what we perceive of the world and what is played out on canvas.”


Nathalie Deshairs

On view: September 12 –October 12, 2024

Artist reception: Thursday, September 12, 6:00–8:00 pm, 530 W 24th St, NYC

Gallery hours: Tuesday–Saturday, 10 am to 6 pm

Private viewings by appointment: Call 212-570-4696 or email

View the exhibition online at

Press Contacts:

Joellen Adae, Marketing Director, Cavalier Galleries

Lindsay Ebanks, Executive Director, Cavalier Galleries