Debranne Cingari


Debranne Cingari Biography

American, b. 1963


Endicott College, Associates in Advertising, Beverly, MA
Sacred Heart University, Bachelor of Science Media & Master in Education, Fairfield, CT
Private Instruction in Photo Transfer technique with Steve Sonshine 1999,
Studied under Bruce Hudson, Julie Wilson, and Arthur Rainville,
Paper Making, Photo Transfers, Book & Box Making, Creative Arts Workshop of New Haven, New Haven, CT
Studied with Luciana Nottiurni in mosaic, Ravenna, Italy
Selected Exhibitions
Salon Art Capital, Grand Palais, Paris, France
Art Miami, Miami, FL
The Palm Beach Show, Palm Beach County Convention Center, FL
Shubert Theater Gallery: Women’s Art Show, 2nd place award winner, New Haven, CT
Disney’s Epcot, Honorable Mention, Orlando, FL
Discovery Museum, Honorable Mention, Bridgeport, CT
Sacred Heart University Gallery, Fairfield, CT
Bernhard Gallery, Bridgeport, CT
Sackler Gallery, Stamford, CT
Print Making Council, Somerville, NJ
Graphic Arts Center, Norwalk, CT
National Women’s Music Festival, Muncie, IN
Texas Artist Museum: 10th Annual National Photography Contest, Weathered VII (2004), Port Arthur, TX
Salmagundi Art Club, NYC Invitational Contemporary Exhibition, Sunday Read (2004), New York, NY
Spectra National Photography Triennial, Seduced (2004), New York, NY
58th Annual Art of the Northeast Exhibition, Silvermine Guild Arts Center, New Canaan, CT
Salmagundi Masters Exhibition, New York, NY
Selected Collections
The Kinsey Institute, 202 photographs, Bloomington, IN
Cantor Fitzgerald, New York, NYMetropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY
Stamford Museum and Nature Center, Stamford, CT
HQ Global Workplace Corporate Headquarters, Westport, CT
Lesbian & Gay Community Center, New York, NY
Public throughout the US
Selected Awards
2010 3rd Prize Certificate of Merit for Outstanding Work in the Salmagundi Club's Special President's "Collage & Mixed Media" Exhibition, Tree Hugger
2010 Merit Award, The Bank, Salmagundi Club Annual Photography & Graphics Exhibition, New York, NY
2005 Philip Isenberg Award, Snowflake, Salmagundi Art Club, New York, NY
2004 International 2004 Spider Award, The Womb, Published in their 2005 promotional calendar
2004 Presidents Award, The Womb, Salmagundi Art Club, NYC, Annual non-Juried Summer exhibition
2004 John N Lewis, Fallen with Exhaustion, Salmagundi Art Club, Annual Members Photography and Sculptors Exhibition, New York, NY