David Henry


David Henry Biography

b. 1962

David Henry: Capturing Light with Contemporary Realism

David Henry is a contemporary realist painter living in Philadelphia. He has devoted many years developing the art of capturing light and color in his canvases. Born in 1962, Henry's journey  into the world of art began at an early age, fueled by an innate curiosity and creative predisposition.

His formal artistic education began in New York City, where he enrolled at the School of Visual Arts, majoring in illustration and fine art. Eager to delve deeper into the classical techniques of painting, Henry pursued additional studies in anatomy and traditional painting at the Art Students League. It was during this time that Henry was selected by the American Master, Nelson Shanks, to participate in a transformative apprenticeship under his guidance, immersing himself in the principles of painting within a focused studio environment.

Inspired by the rich tapestry of representational painting, Henry drew influence from the old masters, as well as the luminous works of the Impressionists. Embracing both classical and impressionistic approaches to interpreting color and light, Henry integrated these diverse painting methods into his own unique artistic vision.

At the core of Henry's artistic philosophy lies a profound understanding of color economy and design. His works embody a modern sensibility while paying homage to the centuries-old traditions upon which contemporary realism is built. With meticulous attention to detail, Henry brings his subjects to life, capturing moments with a striking clarity that resonates with viewers.